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Model Appropriate Behavior for Your Children

When it comes to children, you are their role model. Parents are their first teachers. It is important to let them know how to deal with various situations as they age. Appropriate responses lead to positive outcomes. Never is this more important than dealing with defiant children. Model appropriate behavior. It will make things easier on you and on your children. What Makes Defiant Children Different Defiant children may suffer from... ❯❯❯

Accepting Defiant Child's Anger But Not Violence

It’s hard to believe that your child's angry tantrum could turn into violence. More than a few caring, firm, parents have found themselves in a position when their child displayed violent behavior. Seeing your child throw or hit something can be frightening, especially in an older child. However, if your child has something like Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) you probably accept that there are anger issues but you cannot permit... ❯❯❯